‘Home’ has taken on many different meanings for me over the years, but once I came to know Yah, the strive for truth, life and the way, became the most important journey in my life. And along the way, ‘home’ became a much bigger meaning then just coming home to visit family.
The letter ‘B’ (Beyt), in the ancient Hebrew pictographic alphabet, looks like the floor plan of a house, or the inside of a heart or the brain and mind and the outlining of an umbilical cord. The fascinating thing is that the Hebrew pictographic letters also carry a deep meaning to them and the letter ‘Beyt’ means son, house, family, being in or with (when placed in front of a word) or the foundation of a house, heart and mind.
I believe ‘home’, is really what is on the inside of your heart, body and mind and the source of being. And if that house is out of order, most likely, so is your outlook on life and how you experience it too.
Your home, is your kingdom and whoever rules it, shapes the state of your being.
While we grow up, many seeds are planted in our minds and hearts. Some are good and some are bad. But how do we know what’s good or bad?
I believe the earth and everything in it, including our bodies when unpolluted, is a witness to it’s creator, and gardens and plants are a good example of life and how to live. We have to tend to it to make it flourish. It needs light and water to survive. Even speaking harsh words to a plant can cause it to perish. The structure of water changes and reflects it’s surroundings. And most of the human body is water, with an average of roughly 60%.
So not only do we have to consider our surroundings but we have to spend time in the light and drink clean unpolluted water, eat unpolluted foods and be planted in soil rich with nutrients to set ourselves and our bodies up for success. We have to drink from the overflowing fountain that generates life and never ceases to exist.
Learning comes from hearing and seeing and the creator is speaking to us in many ways, through His creation. Life is separated from death, like light is separated from darkness and I believe consuming life ultimately leads to life and consuming death leads to death.
So what is without rot and decay and without dis-ease or darkness?
I believe to be unpolluted we must follow certain rules of instructions. Like, don’t walk in the water with soiled shoes if you are about to drink of it. Don’t eat plants that are known to be poisonous or do not touch a carcass. These are considerate instructions for our wellbeing.
There is a code to a healthy long living life and I believe that’s the foundation, the rock on where we can build a house that will sustain. This is ‘home’, or a place I’d like to call ‘home’.
‘Home’ is available on all music platforms – Friday June 23rd, 2023