Weightless - Dealing with the Passing of a Loved One
We take on many burdens living in this world and even though it’s very sad to have someone you love pass away, it makes me think of all the weight that’s shed when the soul leaves the body.
If you don’t take anything with you when you go, why carry the heavy stuff with you, like the negative or painful feelings, fears or worries when you are alive?
What if being weightless or burden free was the purpose of living in the first place and the passing of a loved one is not only the end of someone’s life but a reminder for us to let go.
The Word says that Perfect Love casts out all fear.
-To me that’s putting all your trust in the Most High, and letting Him and His Wisdom into our hearts and minds to guide us and in that process His Will and His ways become our every thought and Wise counsel. And If we do that who can come against us?
I’ve read that the soul is made of water and to submerge in water is to initially reconnect the soul to it’s origin, fluid and weightless.
So lets let go of all the unnecessary burdens and be as weightless as we possibly can. Letting go, forgiving one another, reframing our minds and hearts to a life full of life.
‘Weightless’ is available on all music platforms – Friday September 1st, 2023
‘Home’ has taken on many different meanings for me over the years, but once I came to know Yah, the strive for truth, life and the way, became the most important journey in my life. And along the way, ‘home’ became a much bigger meaning then just coming home to visit family.
The letter ‘B’ (Beyt), in the ancient Hebrew pictographic alphabet, looks like the floor plan of a house, or the inside of a heart or the brain and mind and the outlining of an umbilical cord. The fascinating thing is that the Hebrew pictographic letters also carry a deep meaning to them and the letter ‘Beyt’ means son, house, family, being in or with (when placed in front of a word) or the foundation of a house, heart and mind.
I believe ‘home’, is really what is on the inside of your heart, body and mind and the source of being. And if that house is out of order, most likely, so is your outlook on life and how you experience it too.
Your home, is your kingdom and whoever rules it, shapes the state of your being.
While we grow up, many seeds are planted in our minds and hearts. Some are good and some are bad. But how do we know what’s good or bad?
I believe the earth and everything in it, including our bodies when unpolluted, is a witness to it’s creator, and gardens and plants are a good example of life and how to live. We have to tend to it to make it flourish. It needs light and water to survive. Even speaking harsh words to a plant can cause it to perish. The structure of water changes and reflects it’s surroundings. And most of the human body is water, with an average of roughly 60%.
So not only do we have to consider our surroundings but we have to spend time in the light and drink clean unpolluted water, eat unpolluted foods and be planted in soil rich with nutrients to set ourselves and our bodies up for success. We have to drink from the overflowing fountain that generates life and never ceases to exist.
Learning comes from hearing and seeing and the creator is speaking to us in many ways, through His creation. Life is separated from death, like light is separated from darkness and I believe consuming life ultimately leads to life and consuming death leads to death.
So what is without rot and decay and without dis-ease or darkness?
I believe to be unpolluted we must follow certain rules of instructions. Like, don’t walk in the water with soiled shoes if you are about to drink of it. Don’t eat plants that are known to be poisonous or do not touch a carcass. These are considerate instructions for our wellbeing.
There is a code to a healthy long living life and I believe that’s the foundation, the rock on where we can build a house that will sustain. This is ‘home’, or a place I’d like to call ‘home’.
‘Home’ is available on all music platforms – Friday June 23rd, 2023
I Do!
Marriage. What is marriage?
To me it’s about commitment, and ultimately a commitment through the precepts of Yahweh. An agreement that I am here to do my best, shed the old and unsustainable behavior, be a light and strive for truth in all things, even when things get tough. Together we are stronger and when I said YES, I knew you were the one that would walk with me, evenly yoked.
Love is not just a feeling, it’s an action, and love is hanging on the instructions of the Most High — a love that is everlasting, life-bearing, fruitful and sustaining.
A marriage is simply a reflection of a righteous dynamic. ‘I Do’ is not a temporary thing, but forever.
‘I Do’ is available on all music platforms – Friday June 6th, 2023
Introducing My New Song ‘Can You Hear Me Now?’
Can You Hear Me Now?
What Inspired Me to Write the Song ‘Can You Hear Me Now?’:
I found out that a friend lost her husband under terrible circumstances. He committed suicide. It made my heart ache so much for her and it felt as if I could hear her thoughts and feel her pain. It made my heart burst and tears started swelling and all I felt like doing was to sing it out. Nobody really knows what happens after death, let alone if someone takes their own life. But I believe that Yahweh knows what truly happens and that He sent His Son, to guide us through the gates into the heavenly kingdom. I believe that we’re dealing with spiritual warfare, and in some cases, it might look like a suicide but wasn’t one at all…Think the sci-fi type of ending or certain ghost hunter stories or horror movie scenarios with voodoo. Tools of the devil basically. It says in Revelation, the last chapter of the bible that every murder is committed by the devil. So that leads me to believe that whatever happened, the evil one had a hand in it. It saddens me that there are many so many who are lost and sad, and don’t know how to get out of their misery and end up killing themselves.
I thought of committing suicide a long time ago. I felt empty and worthless and thought it really wouldn’t matter if I were here or not. But the thought was short lived and I’m glad I never took it further. And since then I’ve come to know Yahweh.
What’s My Favorite Lyric In My New Song and What Does It Mean To Me?
My favorite lyric in my new song is “can you hear me now, can you feel me where you are?”. Because I like to raise questions so that people can ponder and figure out an answer on their own. If someone is thinking about ending their life maybe this song will make them think twice? What if there are really big consequences? What if it is a trick from Satan to drag you down with him? -I believe it is! And what if your spirit would end up in the ‘upside down’ like in the TV series Stranger Things and forever be chased by scary beings in another dimension and never see a glimpse of heaven? What if you can see your loved ones left behind alive, but you can’t make a sound loud enough to warn them that ending your life doesn’t give you rest? And if you don’t know for certain, is it worth finding out the hard way? Plus you are going to leave behind lots and lots of very sad people. But still, I hope that wherever you go, you will know how truly loved you were. So the lyrics can be heard by both sides, the one who’s left behind and the one who’s stuck in the middle.
What am I Hoping To Accomplish By Releasing This Song?
In the end I hope that the song will help heal people’s hearts, stir up thoughts that really makes you think twice and a chance to get to know God and His true love for you and also a song you can tap your feet to.